
Archive for June, 2009

It has been exactly a week since I last shampooed my hair.


Where are you going?

Don’t run away!!!

At least let me explain. And then I’ll tell you how it fits the title of this post (sort of).

It all began with my reading an innocent article about how some people don’t use shampoo. I must confess that I had never considered this possibility before. Some experts say that shampoo does more harm than good by stripping the hair and scalp of their oils, which are supposedly self-cleaning and naturally anti-viral. To counteract the damage of shampoo, we use conditioner, mousse, gel, hairspray, etc. etc. etc., and then need shampoo to get the gunk out again, and the cycle continues… But shampooing the oil out of it only causes the scalp to produce more and overcompensate. This is why our hair look “gross” after only a few days of not shampooing.

The idea behind going w/o shampoo (the “no ‘poo” route, as it is known in some Internet circles) is that eventually, after an adjustment period that can take days or weeks, depending on the individual, the hair can achieve its natural equilibrium again, looking healthier and happier than ever before.

SO…I’ve been going without shampoo, and it is, indeed, an adjustment period. Of course, you don’t need to take only my word for it. There are plenty of other resources out there , and I’m only too willing to show them to you. After some Internet research, it seems that a paste or solution of baking soda and water can be used as a sort-of cleanser (not every day—a couple times a week at most, I think), and once that is rinsed out, use apple cider vinegar on the ends of the hair as a natural conditioner. There’s also info about using raw eggs, olive oil, and even salt as occasional natural cleansers, but I haven’t tried any of these yet, though I can attest to the effectiveness of the soda. By Saturday evening, the oil in my hair was nearly beyond endurance. I made a paste of baking soda and water and let it sit in my roots for a few minutes before rinsing it out. It successfully brought the oil down to a bearable level, and my hair looked pretty great the next day—as in, I got compliments from people who didn’t know what I was doing. I think I’m still in the adjustment phase, however. So far I’ve styled it normally, I’ve hidden it under a headband-scarf, and I’ve also done the scrunching-up-the-hair-to-get-waves thing, but that ends up being slightly inappropriate for work. And by ‘inappropriate’ I of course mean ‘terrifying.’

There’s also the “Use less plastic!” and “Use only natural products!” motives for “No ‘Poo” but those aren’t priorities for me. Although I am a fan of recycling whenever possible. I think that conservation, recycling, and reducing waste is all part of our responsibility as Christians to be good stewards of the earth that God created. But as a die-hard free-market capitalist, I don’t think that any such behavior should come from government regulation. (Whoops, where did that soapbox come from???)

But even my mother, who is vehemently opposed to anything hippie-ish and believes that blue jeans and the Beatles directly contributed to the decline of Western civilization, was fascinated and rather supportive when I told her about this scheme. She said it made sense to her—and she’s in the medical field.

But WAIT! THERE’S MORE! Most of the “No ‘Poo” blogs and web sites will not tell you about another aspect of the experience, and this is where the post title comes in! Going without shampoo and observing the subsequent changes in my hair has also taught me something about vanity, prejudice, pride, and vulnerability.

I’ll be the first to admit that I’m really vain about my hair, and it’s been a challenge to my pride to do something like this. I hate the fact that I’ve gone to work, or to church, or whatever, knowing that something is slightly off, that I don’t look the absolute best that I possibly could. And there’s a certain vulnerability to that, as well.

Guess what, girls! It’s okay not to look your best! Of course, looking good can often lead to feeling good, but you can’t always be at the top of your game, right? Knowing you don’t look 100% fabulous (only, say, 98%) can help you focus on other, more important things: like Jesus, and relationships that matter, and your job here on earth. At least, that’s how it worked for me. We are imperfect human beings. And I realized, wow, most other people don’t care! Now, I didn’t blast into my office this morning and shout that my hair hasn’t been shampooed in a week, but no one has said anything (though it’s a quiet office) or treated me like a leper. Lesson learned: No one is as concerned about how you look as you are.

I would definitely encourage any ladies reading this to give up something, even for a day, that brings out vain and prideful tendencies. Let yourself be a little vulnerable, and see what happens with your priorities. Observe where your focus goes, instead.

I’m also learning patience in getting through this very oily time, as my hair achieves equilibrium. Though when I make up my mind to do something, I’m usually pretty tenacious anyway.

So that’s what I’ve learned so far. I’m sure there are other, deeper life lessons to be learned from this, but I’m too tired to figure them out right now. I’ll post updates if I think they’re significant enough.

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No, I’m not talking about cheating spouses or boyfriends, or cheating at cards, or on tests, or on your taxes.

I’m talking about cheating on Friday Frivolity, because the following video isn’t exactly frivolous.

Many of you may not be interested in the Cap & Trade bill that is currently under debate in Congress, but I am—and this video and its song are funny. And true. So there.

All right, all right. To make up for it, here’s a video by the same guy, recently featured on several news media outlets, and especially funny for those who live in the DC area, as I do. Even if you don’t, it should be worth a chuckle.

Happy Friday, as usual. Especially for me, since I’m done with work. 😀

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So, it has been a good week. A relaxing start to a new quarter after a pretty hectic (though pleasant!) week off. By way of getting back in to this whole blogging thing (thanks Em, for keeping my memory alive on this site), I’d like to share some of the reasons (and one revelation!) which made the week a bit brighter. 
1.) I took a very long walk in a yellow dress and ate pastel colored ice-cream. Which was delicious and beautiful. 
2.) I ran in to an elderly man on the bus (not literally, don’t worry) whom I had met when I was visiting churches earlier this year. He still manages to remember my name, and he must be in his seventies or eighties. I can’t remember things over that long a period and I don’t have nearly that many years of memories in my head. He’s a sweet man who asks good questions and doesn’t hold it against me that I chose a different church. All of this is very appreciated, and made me thankful and glad.
3.) During the aforementioned walk I was pondering and realized how often I imagine that God and I are on different sides. THIS IS NOT TRUE. We were opposed to him and stood against him, but through Jesus we are reconciled to him. He’s wanted the best for us all along. And not an “eat your veggies, they taste bad, so they must be good for you” kind of best, but a really really life abundant BEST! He wants us to succeed! I know this is pretty basic, but it’s amazing the difference it makes. God wants me to make it. He isn’t waiting for me to think an impure or selfish thought, miss out on a chance to talk about him, or slip into self pity. He doesn’t go off in a huff at every misstep or make me wallow in pain when I slip up. Rather, he’s cheering for the successes and helping me repent and get back up after the times which are not so successful. What a relief.
So, those are my lovely moments for the week. It does help so much to fill one’s head with good things rather than just trying to keep out the bad. I guess St. Paul knew of what he spoke when he wrote: “Finally, brothers, whatever is true, whatever is noble, whatever is right, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is admirable—if anything is excellent or praiseworthy—think about such things.” Philippians 4:8
I’m thanking God for random beauties and refreshing revelations.

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FINALLY! It took me FOREVER to get the formatting on this thing the way I wanted it, and I had to resort to primitive methods. Anyway, we’re up and running now.

I will freely admit that the Internet does not need another Twilight website or commentary, whether pro- or anti-. I know this. I can’t help it. There’s something I have to address, particularly because I have yet to see others make the same observation to my satisfaction.

Full disclosure: I hate Twilight the book. Now, I enjoy the movie in a so-bad-it’s-funny, at-least-it’s-got-more-of-a-plot, kind of way. But I am not a fan by any stretch of the imagination. Many a person, whether it be a soccer mom or a youth pastor or a semi-moral teenage girl with half a brain in her head, has praised Twilight for its morality, for its message of abstinence. Whether you have bought into this idea or not, or haven’t even read the book yet, let me clear something up:

Twilight does not demonstrate real abstinence. If you are looking for a book that truly advocates an admirable, true-love-waits, selfless approach to sex, look elsewhere.

Giving credit where credit is due, the main characters don’t have sex until they’re married. Sarcasm aside, good for them—or rather, the author. As a morally (not necessarily politically) conservative Christian, I can get on board with that. But the book’s version no-sex-before-marriage only follows the letter of the law, while the spirit gets broken willy-nilly. Setting aside other problems within Edward and Bella’s relationship—and there are many, as a number of other websites have discussed—I was honestly disturbed after I decided to check out Twilight, having heard so many good things about it, its charming love story and surprisingly moral message.

So how about I get down to business and actually talk about what my big problem is?

While the main characters do practice abstinence in that they don’t have sex, they do other things that rather defeat the purpose. The whole idea behind the practice of abstinence is to maintain a safe physical and emotional distance between two people before they come together in a sanctified marriage relationship, in honor of both God and each other.

Song of Solomon 3:5 Promise me, O women of Jerusalem, / by the gazelles and wild deer, / not to awaken love until the time is right.

Practicing this demonstrates not only obedience to God, but respect for the other person. I do believe that there is a little, ahem, “wiggle room” in the extent to which two people can practice abstinence—that is, how far is too far. (And obviously, there is forgiveness in Christ for outright sin.) Certain things are more of a temptation for some people than for others, which is something that Christians should learn about themselves long before they have to make a rational decision in the heat of the moment. For obvious reasons, this isn’t decided on by experimentation, but by prayer and diving into God’s word.

So what does this have to do with Edward and Bella?

Edward takes Bella into the woods and completely isolates them from anyone else. It is there that he informs her of his vampirism, that he has killed people before, and he desperately wants to drink her blood because she is so beautiful and tempting. They then experiment with physical contact, seeing how far they can go before Edward loses control. Obviously, he doesn’t, but the ends do not justify the means. Do you swing an axe in a crowded room and then say, “Well, I didn’t cut anyone’s head off, so it’s all good.” No—you swung an axe in a crowded room. You’re a moron.

What if Edward hadn’t kept control? They don’t know what the line-not-to-cross is—they’re both new at this “twoo wuv”/romance/sex thing. Well, Bella would have been gobbled up and the series would have ended much sooner than it does now—and many people would be okay with that. In which case, Twilight would be a nice cautionary tale of what happens when you aren’t cautious enough. But if, in this book, vampirism is a metaphor for sex, then they are being completely irresponsible, selfish, and just plain stupid.

Would you honestly, HONESTLY go into the woods with a suspected murderer, only to have him confirm those suspicions, and then proceed to make out with you, just to see if he can control himself and not kill you? Even if he told you outright that you are a heady temptation? And if his record so far is not exactly spotless on the not-killing thing? Guy or girl, why would you allow yourself to enter into such a situation? How could someone take advantage of another person like this, attempting to fulfill their sensual desires as much as possible without crossing what becomes a very ambiguous line? This is putting not only oneself at risk of physical and emotional hurt, but the other party involved.

Matthew 18:6 But if anyone causes one of these little ones who believe in me to sin, it would be better for him to have a large millstone hung around his neck and to be drowned in the depths of the sea.

Romans 12:10 Be devoted to one another in brotherly love. Honor one another above yourselves.

During their first sexless “love scene,” Bella says, “I was afraid… because, for, well, obvious reasons, I can’t stay with you. And I’m afraid that I’d like to stay with you, much more than I should.”

To which Edward replies, “That is something to be afraid of, indeed. Wanting to be with me. That’s really not in your best interest.” And then later adds, “It’s not only your company I crave! Never forget that. Never forget I am more dangerous to you than I am to anyone else.”

A little later, in describing the first time he saw her, Edward speaks the words that should have sent Bella running and screaming—away:

“In that one hour, I thought of a hundred different ways to lure you from the room with me, to get you alone. And I fought them each back, thinking of my family, what I could do to them. I had to run out, to get away before I could speak the words that would make you follow…I so very nearly took you then. There was only one other frail human there — so easily dealt with.”

Unfortunately, Bella does NOT run screaming. Instead:

I knew at any moment it could be too much, and my life could end — so quickly that I might not even notice. And I couldn’t make myself be afraid. I couldn’t think of anything, except that he was touching me.

OK, that is as far as I’ll go into the physical aspects, but there are other things that concern me.

The damage, real or potential, is not only physical, but emotional. Although I haven’t read past the first book, from what I’ve read/heard elsewhere, there is something of a love triangle between Edward, Bella, and Jacob (even though it’s well established that Edward wins out). Surely there would not be any indecisiveness in Bella’s mind if she was absolutely certain that Edward was the murdering, bloodsucking vampire for HER. (As opposed to the murdering, half-animal werewolf Jacob. Such options! What is a girl to do? /sarcasm)

The fact that she’s indecisive probably means that she’s not sure that Edward is the one—which is good, considering that she’s 17 or so. But if she’s not certain, if they’re not married, then the make-outs, the emotional bonding, the abandon-all-others attitudes and actions that she and Edward demonstrate are all clearly premature and could have serious emotional and physical consequences.

“Bella, you are my life now,” Edward says in the movie. (Does he also say it in the book? I’m not sure.) This is a pretty heavy declaration for two people who have known each other for, at most, a few months. In high school. (Although technically Edward is over 100 years old, and only looks 17, but again, the massive age difference is pretty much the least of their problems.)

Lying in bed together, pouring out their hearts and souls to each other (chapter 14), is also not a good recipe for staving off premature intimacy. I’m just saying…

Lest anyone think I’m getting too legalistic here, I’ll leave you with

Galatians 5:13 You, my brothers, were called to be free. But do not use your freedom to indulge the sinful nature; rather, serve one another in love.


Philippians 4:8 Finally, brothers, whatever is true, whatever is noble, whatever is right, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is admirable—if anything is excellent or praiseworthy—think about such things.

A blessed week to you all!

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Good morning, good morning, and happy Friday! My stars, it seems like I have the blog all to myself (*ahem ahem*). Oh, dear.

Well, my wonderful readers, as the title suggests, today I’m taking you on a little vacation back in time, with the help of the Internet and a dash of my crazy history geekness. We’ll take a look at lost arts. And by “we’ll take a look at,” of course I mean, “You will click on these links about.”

First, Marie Antoinette’s Gossip Guide to the 18th Century has a brief blog post about Letter-Writing

Next, we have a website with some tips on Fan Language, which was popular in the Victorian era, as well as a couple centuries back. In the early 1700s, Joseph Addison wrote “Academy for the Instruction in the Use of the Fan,” which can be seen here. I’ve posted my favorite bit below:

The Fluttering of the Fan is the last, and indeed the master-piece of the whole Exercise; but if a lady does not misspend her time, she may make herself mistress of it in three months. I generally lay aside the dog-days and the hot time of the summer for the teaching this part of the Exercise; for as soon as ever I pronounce Flutter your Fans, the place is fill’d with so many zephyrs and gentle breezes as are very refreshing in that season of the year, tho’ they might be dangerous to ladies of a tender constitution in any other.

Lastly, take a gander at this page chock-full of etiquette and rules for being a proper Victorian lady. How many of these have you kept/broken today? Here are some examples:

Limit Your Observations. A boisterous, loud-talking man is disagreeable enough, but a woman who falls into the habit is almost unendurable.

Be not Excessively Frank. Do not take pride in offensively expressing yourself on every occasion under the impression that you will be admired for your frankness. Speaking one’s mind is an extravagance, which has ruined many a person.

Laugh at the Appropriate Time. Don’t laugh when a funny thing is being said until the climax is reached. Do not laugh at your own wit; allow others to do that.

Also, note that apparently ladies are not friends with *shudder* men.

Greet Friends with Discretion. A lady does not call out to friends or inquire after their health in a boisterous fashion. Ladies do not rush up to each other and kiss effusively. It is a foolish practice for ladies to kiss each other every time they meet, particularly on the street. It is positively vulgar; a refined woman shrinks from any act that makes her conspicuous. Such practice belongs rather to the period of “gush” natural to very young girls and should be discouraged on physiological grounds, if no other.

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This post was going to start out in a very rambling, unfocused style, but let me first point out one important thing, so that what I say makes sense. Stuff Christians Like has a great post today about how powerful God is: almost all powerful. Go read it, and then meet me back here.

I’ll wait …

Anyway, that blog got me thinking—which is a good thing, because I finally got the message that God seems to have been pushing to me for a while now.

I will be honest: There’s a lot going on in my life right now, spiritually, physically, occupationally, socially, etc. I’ve been praying about all these different concerns, but I still worry about them. And then there’s the things going on in the lives of others that I’m also praying for and concerned about. Sometimes it seems like prayer gets me nowhere—why is that?

Well, staying worried makes the prayers rather pointless—since obviously I’m not truly giving up my own concerns, plans, and power, and I’m not fully trusting THE GOD OF THE UNIVERSE Who, by the way, HAS A PERSONAL RELATIONSHIP WITH ME, to care enough to get done what needs to be done, His way. If I say “Please God, help so-and-so with this-and-this,” but I still worry about it, I haven’t given Him the problem to take care of. I’m just speaking words without actually trusting that He’s going to take care of it. I’m still ruminating and wondering what I can do about it. The words alone are then meaningless.

This spills into my daily life, when I worry about too much. It builds up and builds up until I almost forget that God has any power at all over what happens to me, that I am, in fact, not subject to the whims of fate. Kind of like what I said in my post on fear, worrying takes the focus off God, and can prevent us from living the full life in Him that He desires for us.

Do any of these sound familiar?

If I don’t get into this grad school program, I don’t know what I’m going to do.
I can’t be late for this meeting or I’ll lose my job and then where will I be?
If this guy isn’t interested in me, then I’ll probably never get married.
I have to get this promotion, or there won’t be another opportunity and my life will be over.
If I don’t find the ingredients for this recipe I’m making for this party, I’ll be a social outcast.
I can’t survive without my family/pet/best friend within easy reach.

Yes, some of these are exaggerated, and some sound kind of funny, but how often do we actually think like this? (And as one who leans toward the melodramatic, I know I do this a lot.)

Does God not care? Is He incapable of handling the situation?

Guess what: Neither. He’s got it all under control. He loves you. He is not under the same restrictions as you are. Just chill. He will give you what you need, tell you what you need to know, and get you where you need to be. All when you need it. In the meantime, we are called to trust Him, love others, and be obedient.

If things don’t go as we planned, does that also mean things aren’t going as God planned?

(Hint: No.)

On that note, have some Scripture:

Though the fig tree does not bud and there are no grapes on the vines, though the olive crop fails and the fields produce no food, though there are no sheep in the pen and no cattle in the stalls, yet I will rejoice in the Lord, I will be joyful in God my Savior.
Habakkuk 3:17-18

Be joyful always; pray continually; give thanks in all circumstances, for this is God’s will for you in Christ Jesus.
I Thessalonians 5:16-18

For I am the Lord your God, Who upholds your right hand, Who says to you, “Do not fear, I will help you.”
Isaiah 41:13

Cast your burden upon the Lord and He will sustain you; He will never allow the righteous to be shaken.
Psalm 55:22

Be anxious for nothing, but in everything by prayer and supplication with thanksgiving let your requests be made known to God. And the peace of God, which surpasses all comprehension, will guard your hears and your minds in Christ Jesus.
Philippians 4:6-7

“The Lord is my portion,” says my soul, “Therefore I have hope in Him.” The Lord is good to those who wait for Him, to the person who seeks Him.
Lamentations 3:24-25

I am the Vine, you are the branches. If a man remains in Me and I in him, he will bear much fruit. Apart from Me you can do nothing.
John 15:5

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First of all, let’s give a big, warm, “HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!!!” to my dear co-blogger and fellow Ox, Bethany! THIS IS OUR YEAR!!

I think I’m cheating here, because usually for Friday Frivolity I just post/link and let it go. This time, however, I just can’t not say anything about this article on flirting.

My favorite part was this paragraph:

Our flirtability has a lot to do with how we are socialized as children, says Lisa Gray, a Livermore marriage and family therapist. “If ‘Don’t talk to strangers’ was a big part of your upbringing, it might affect you when it comes to flirting as an adult,” she explains. Also, because flirting is a confidence booster and a reflection of how we feel about ourselves, some people who are shy might not reap the benefits.

Why was this my favorite part? Because it was the only one I could relate to, aaahahaha!!

I think I had flirting scared out of me in college, because much of the school’s (small) predominantly Christian-conservative population was firmly entrenched in the “courtship” camp. This was a constant source of discussion and frustration among my friends and myself. All we wanted was the opportunity to go out for coffee with a guy without half the school thinking we were engaged.*

*This is not an exaggeration.

The article, by the way, is correct about flirting not having to be intentional. Once, at my previous job in a doctor’s office, I flirted with a drug rep and got a free box of Band-Aids. True story.

Also, I sincerely hope that the photo “demonstrations” at the right of the screen are exaggerations, because she looks insane. Delightfully so, but still insane.

What’s that? Not frivolous enough for you? OK, well, I wanted to put in a YouTube video with one of my favorite British comedians—though I should just say “favorite comedians” because, anglophile that I am, you can just assume he’s British unless I say otherwise—but there was a naughty word in it that I almost forgot about, so I thought that, even though we’re all adults here, it might not be appropriate for this blog. I don’t know. I’ll have to think about it.

In the meantime, though, please enjoy this song from the pilot episode of ‘A Bit of Fry and Laurie’ from the 80s, starring a very, very young Stephen Fry and Hugh Laurie.

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Today’s post isn’t strictly related to singleness, or women, but it has everything to do with the Christian life and obedience to God. This is something that’s been on my heart for the last few days, and I needed to share it here.

Everyone—everyone—is familiar with fear. It looks and acts differently for different people, but we all know it. So many famous quotes and cliches are related to fear, such as the following:

“The only thing to fear is fear itself.” (FDR)

“A life lived in fear is a life half-lived.” (The movie “Strictly Ballroom”)

“I’d rather regret the things I did than the things I didn’t do.” (Facebook bumper stickers)

The Word of God has much to say about fear, and most of it isn’t good. In fact, the only thing we are to fear is the Lord Himself.

Joshua 24:14 says, “Now fear the Lord and serve Him with all faithfulness. Throw away the gods your forefathers worshiped beyond the River and in Egypt, and serve the Lord.”

1 Samuel 12:24 says, “But be sure to fear the Lord and serve Him faithfully with all your heart; consider what great things He has done for you.”

And, of course, Proverbs 1:7 says, “The fear of the Lord is the beginning of knowledge…”

If we give too much rein to our fear, it can become immensely powerful. As a natural worrier, fear was once as much a part of me as my skin, as habitual as brushing my teeth. I don’t intend to go into detail about how, by the grace of God, fear began to take on a much smaller role in my life. I don’t even know how I would describe it, or where to begin—all I could tell you is that I look back on my life so far, and see the hand of God guiding me.

But recently—as in, the last few days—I have been overwhelmed by the blessings that God has given me because I chose to follow Him, even when fear was trying to pull me back, urging me to take the “safe” route. (But then, what could be less “safe” than taking a path and making choices apart from the Lord’s plan? Who else is better equipped to guide and protect us?) I realized that, had I given in to fear, I would have missed out on so very much, and I know there is even more to come!

—Had I said “yes” to fear and, therefore, “no” to God’s promptings, I would have stayed in my hometown, close to family, without experiencing the gloriously horrific change of a new city, new friends, and a new church. One reason that I did not want to move, in fact, was because I was sure that I would not find another church that I loved as much as the one I left back home. But I did. I love my current church even more so, actually. On Sunday night, sitting in the service, I became fully aware of what I would have missed out on.

—If I had let fear reign, I would have passed up the chance to audition for the choir, abandoning God’s gift to me and allowing fear to convince me that I wasn’t good enough, that I was going to make a fool of myself. Giving in to that fear, I would have been unable to enjoy the blessings of the friendships I have made among that group, of joining in that form of worship with other believers, and of participating in the overall choir-performance experience that I love so much.

—Months ago, I could have ignored God’s call for me to apply for a short-term mission trip, because I’d always been set against the idea and was utterly terrified. We haven’t even gone yet, and already it’s been life-changing and delightful in too many ways to describe here. Because of this trip—both indirectly and directly—I have met fantastic people that I probably would not have encountered otherwise. I have already faced several preexisting fears and concerns, shared my testimony (such as it is) for the first time, and hammered cracks in my selfishness. And, as I said, we haven’t even left for the trip yet.

And you? What fears have been holding you back from fulfilling God’s plan for you? What blessings and experiences could be waiting for you if you at last said “no” to fear and “yes” to God? Take some time now to pray to the Lord. Claim His promises for you, and pray for the Holy Spirit to carry out His work in you to vanquish the fears that could be keeping you from experiencing God’s full blessings in your life. Trust me, it will be well worth it.

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A word I spelled correctly on the first try! Hurrah!

The reason for this week’s title is because I have several things to share, and they don’t otherwise fit into a nice little category. I simply found them amusing.

First we have, thanks to lileks.com, a quiz from 1933 to test a husband’s adequacy. Obviously created by women, it gives one point to being “even-tempered,” while “carries adequate insurance for family” is worth five points.

The other day I discovered a site of The World’s Ugliest Wedding Cakes. Only one of many reasons to stay single!

And last, but certainly not least, we have the obligatory YouTube video. If I’ve posted it before, well, too bad. I certainly enjoy it. (*wink wink nudge nudge say no more*) I was going to post a different-but-related video, but it didn’t allow embedding, so here is another favorite, based on The Scarlet Pimpernel.

As always, HAPPY FRIDAY!

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It is a truth universally acknowledged that women become their mothers. I have become mine, in the absolute strangest way. Well, more than a few, actually. (I love you, Mom! Please don’t write me out of your will.) But the most recent development is that I read things written for men. Let me clarify: when I was in high school, my mother subscribed to Men’s Health magazine. No, not for the inevitable shirtless guy on the cover (well, maybe … ), but for the articles. She thought they were hilarious, that they confirmed her lifelong belief that most women don’t have a sense of humor, or that men at least have it in greater abundance.

This is something I did not understand. Yet here I am, years later, scrolling through Google Reader, looking at articles from Primer and To Every Man a Manswer, blogs that are undeniably targeted toward men. Even so, one of the latest articles on Primer is by a woman, and it brought me a chuckle or two: 8 Reasons Why Online Dating is Just as Complicated as “Real-Life” Dating.

Confession time: I have tried online dating, and I don’t think it’s for me—and certainly isn’t in my current budget. This was made most obvious when both Bethany and I filled out eHarmony profiles and received some free matches. (As it turns out the strike-on-the-box kind, that you can use to ignite your scented candle or cigarillo, would have been more useful. But I digress.) At one point, we were both matched up with the same man: “Ed” from Chicago. We still talk about him sometimes. (Ed, I’m sure you’re a fantastic guy, and wherever you are now, I hope you’ve found the woman of your dreams.) BUT, given that Bethany and I are quite different personalities, the fact that we received the same match certainly alerted us to shortfalls in this particular route to Happily Ever After. All my Sense and Sensibility fans out there—could you see Elinor and Marianne Dashwood both marrying the same type of man? I didn’t think so. One married Edward Ferrars, and the other, Colonel Christopher Brandon. As it should be. While they are not dramatically different men, they were dissimilar enough. And so it is with Bethany and me.

But seriously, folks, as difficult as dating can be in person, online dating has its share of issues, many of which are addressed quite nicely in the article referenced above. I’ve come across some others, however, that were not discussed with much detail, if at all. Allow me to share them, won’t you?

Here is one thing I’ve learned from online dating: people may make fun of the Crazy Cat Lady, but there is a male counterpart, and it involves—you guessed it—dogs. I am convinced that there are some guys out there who will never find “twoo wuv” because they have already made that emotional sacrifice to their canine companions, and there is no room in their lives for anyone else.

I do love animals, and I can appreciate having a bond and a love for one’s pet—sometimes the company of animals is preferable to people. But some people’s connection with their pets is just unhealthy. Now, I’m allergic to most things with fur, so I already know I have no future with guys who write “MY DOG!!!!11!!1!! HE IS MY BEST FRIEND” in the eHarmony profile of “5 favorite things” or whatever it is, for a number of reasons that should be rather obvious. In my own profile, I pointed out my health issue, that I was allergic to dogs and could never share a house with one. Within 24 hours, my matches had “closed” so quickly that I might as well have announced that I had three different STDs, two children, a bad credit history, and that my last five boyfriends had all disappeared under mysterious circumstances. Dogs are that important to some guys.

Other issues with online dating abound. Because there is still a stigma associated with it, dating sites tend to be lands of “last resort,” filled with the most desperate and lonely people. NOT to say that they aren’t lovely people, of course, but there is a tendency toward that—and come on, we’ve all had our moments of feeling it. But there are several kinds of desperation and loneliness, too. When I first moved to a new city, I thought to revive the online dating option, as it might help me meet new people. The problem is that, as vast as the Internet is, I have yet to find the happy medium between the Craigslist ads for people who simply want one-night stands, and the eHarmony users who have an attitude more like, “You’re a Christian who lives within my 50-mile radius and you sort-of believe in traditional gender roles? Let us marry today!” So … there’s that. Church, work, and mutual friends did the job so much better.

Another GIGANTIC problem with dating over the Internet is something I can only describe as, “Well, it looks good on paper, but …” By which I mean, there are some things that you just can’t predict/calculate/combine and achieve 100% certain results. You can’t calculate chemistry—and even though a solid, lasting relationship cannot be founded on chemistry, it can be an important catalyst. (I hate science; I have no idea where all this science-y talk is coming from.) And that can’t be projected on a computer screen. Two people who both love iguanas, water polo, and David Lynch films won’t necessarily be a perfect match—though perhaps, for the sake of the rest of humanity, they should be. A guy who lists certain interests or beliefs may cause someone to prejudge him based on certain stereotypes, or the profile viewer’s past experiences, etc. The human mind is an interesting place. “Hmmm, this guy likes jazz. I hate jazz. Because __*insert ex-boyfriend’s name*__ tried to get me into jazz. I bet this guy is just as much a jerk.”

Of course, this goes both ways. If, for example, I said in an online profile that I liked Harry Potter, Firefly, and MST3K, there are doubtless many people who would read that and go, “Ugh, what a dork, she probably has no real-life friends, sits in her room all alone doing calculus or WoW and only socializes when she dresses up for ComiCon,” none of which would be true. Conversely, the most intense geek fanboys might read that and think, “ZOMG MY DREAM WOMAN,” mistakenly believing that 1) such is the stuff solid relationships are built on, and 2) I am as intense a fan as they are, 3) I would actually want to have a wedding at a Renaissance festival.

Also, as she mentions in the article I linked to, online dating encourages people to be shallow. If someone is less-than-physically-ideal in their online profile picture, I confess I would be less interested in whatever else they’d have to offer as a person. ON THE OTHER HAND, if I met a guy IN PERSON who wasn’t my “usual type,” that could change over the course of a conversation, in which I may find out that he’s very interesting and quite courteous and all sorts of other lovely things that would boost his attractiveness in my eyes.

Now, I had hoped to end this post on a very insightful, eloquent note, but I simply noticed that, as usual, I am far too long-winded. So I’ll end with a question, dear readers: Have you tried online dating? If so, what site, and what did you think of it? If not, why not?

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